

Degrees and Certifications:

Freida B Bohren

Welcome to Algebra II for the 2023-2024 academic year!

Dear Parents and Students,

I am excited to begin a journey of mathematical exploration and growth in Algebra II this year. This course aims to deepen your understanding of algebraic concepts, develop problem-solving skills, and prepare you for advanced mathematical pursuits. With your dedication, perseverance, and a growth mindset, you will achieve great success.

I am committed to creating a positive and engaging learning environment. Each student has unique strengths, and I will strive to nurture those strengths while providing support in areas where students may require additional assistance. I encourage all students to actively participate in class, ask questions, and collaborate with peers to enhance the learning experience.

In Algebra II, we will cover a wide range of topics. Practice is required for success in this course. Online resources, practice problems, and supplementary materials to reinforce your understanding of the concepts covered in class will be provided.

Communication is crucial for a successful partnership between home and school. Please monitor your child's progress and reach out with any questions or concerns. A positive and inclusive classroom community allows academic growth and personal development. All students should treat each other with respect and actively participate in class discussions and activities. We value your unique perspectives and encourage you to share your ideas, opinions, and solutions.

By working together, we can make this a successful and rewarding year in Algebra II. I look forward to getting to know each of my students and guiding you on your mathematical journey. Let's make this a year of growth, achievement, and excitement!


Mrs. B.