

Degrees and Certifications:

Miss Katherine Uthoff

Hello everyone! I am Miss Uthoff– a first grade teacher here at BG! I was born and raised in Yazoo County, where I attended this very school and graduated as valedictorian from YCoHS in 2017. I still reside in Yazoo County now with my fiancé - Christian, our son - Cainan, and our cat - Onyx. 

I currently hold a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education and a master’s degree in Curriculum and Instruction, both from Mississippi College. I am certified to teach K-12 ELA and Social Studies, K-6 Science, K-8 Mathematics, Pre-K, and Business Education 7-12. 

As you might be able to see from my return to BG, I love it here, and I am super excited for all this year is to bring!